Meta faces antitrust trial: FTC’s case against Instagram and WhatsApp acquisitions moves forward

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is taking Facebook’s parent company, Meta Platforms, to task over allegations that Meta’s acquisitions of Instagram in 2012 and WhatsApp in 2014 were anticompetitive. A recent ruling in the case allowed the FTC’s key claims to proceed, marking a significant step in the government’s effort to curtail what it alleges is Meta’s illegal monopoly over personal social networking (PSN) services. While some parts of the case were dismissed, the trial will focus on whether Meta’s past actions stifled competition and harmed consumers.

The FTC’s claims: Crushing competition through acquisitions

The FTC contended that Meta acted unlawfully to maintain its dominance in social networking by acquiring Instagram in 2012 and WhatsApp in 2014 to neutralize emerging competition. According to the agency, Instagram’s rapid rise as a mobile-first photo-sharing platform posed a direct threat to Meta’s efforts to establish a strong presence in the mobile space, where its applications were underperforming. WhatsApp, the FTC argued, was a leader in mobile messaging and had potential to expand into personal social networking, making it another significant competitive threat. The FTC alleged that Meta purchased these companies not to innovate but to eliminate rivals and consolidate its monopoly.

The case reached this stage after Meta filed a motion for summary judgment, seeking to have the case dismissed without trial. Meta argued that the FTC’s claims lacked sufficient evidence to support its allegations and that the acquisitions benefited consumers and competition. The court denied Meta’s motion in large part, finding that substantial factual disputes existed about whether the acquisitions were anticompetitive. The court determined that the FTC had presented enough evidence to show that Instagram and WhatsApp were either actual or nascent competitors when acquired.

The court’s analysis highlighted internal Meta documents and statements from CEO Mark Zuckerberg as particularly persuasive. These documents revealed that Instagram’s growth was a source of concern at Meta and that WhatsApp’s trajectory as a mobile messaging service could have positioned it as a future competitor. Based on this evidence, the court ruled that the FTC’s claims about the acquisitions merited a trial to determine whether they violated antitrust laws.

However, the court dismissed another FTC claim alleging that Meta unlawfully restricted third-party app developers’ access to its platform unless they agreed not to compete with Facebook’s core services. The court found that this specific allegation lacked sufficient evidence to proceed, narrowing the scope of the trial to focus on the acquisitions of Instagram and WhatsApp.

Meta’s defenses and their limitations

Meta of course pushed back against the FTC’s case, arguing that its acquisitions ultimately benefited consumers and competition. It claimed Instagram and WhatsApp have thrived under Meta’s ownership due to investments in infrastructure, innovation, and features that the platforms could not have achieved independently. Meta also contended that the FTC’s definition of the market for personal social networking services was too narrow, ignoring competition from platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, LinkedIn, and X.

However, the court rejected some of Meta’s defenses outright. For example, Meta was barred from arguing that its acquisition of WhatsApp was justified by the need to strengthen its position against Apple and Google. The court found this rationale irrelevant to the antitrust claims and insufficient as a defense. Meta’s arguments about broader market competition will be tested at trial, but the court found enough evidence to support the FTC’s narrower focus on personal social networking services.

Three Reasons Why This Case Matters:

  • Defining Market Boundaries: The case could set new standards for how courts define markets in the tech industry, particularly when dealing with overlapping functionalities of platforms such as social media and messaging apps.
  • Reining in Big Tech: A trial outcome in favor of the FTC could embolden regulators to pursue other tech giants and challenge long-standing business practices.
  • Consumer Protection: The case highlights the tension between innovation and market power, raising questions about whether tech consolidation truly benefits consumers or stifles competition.

Case Citation

Federal Trade Commission v. Meta Platforms, Inc., Slip Copy, 2024 WL 4772423 (D.D.C. Nov. 13, 2024).

VIDEO: What is the Apple antitrust lawsuit about?

On March 21, 2024, the U.S. government, 15 states and the District of Columbia filed an antitrust lawsuit against Apple. What is the case about?

The government says Apple built a dominant iPhone ecosystem, driving its high valuation. But Apple faced threats from other products, particularly Android devices. And in response, it didn’t offer lower prices or offer better terms to developers and consumers. Instead, it imposed complex rules and fees through its App Store and developer agreements, stifling innovation and limiting competition.

Apple’s actions have increased its smartphone dominance and expanded its control to digital wallets and smartwatches by restricting their compatibility with non-Apple products. And this has had broader implications in other industries. The government claims Apple has stifled innovation and competition tied to smartphone technology, such as financial services, entertainment, and more.

So the case seeks to address Apple’s anticompetitive behavior. It aims to restore competition, lower prices for consumers, reduce fees for developers, and encourage innovation. The case is particularly interesting in how it highlights the contrast between Apple’s early days as an innovative startup and its current status as a monopolist.

The government says that this has drastically hurt market competition and consumers.

Ninth Circuit: Apple did not engage in copyright misuse by restricting OS X to Apple hardware

Apple Inc. v. Psystar Corp., — F.3d —, 2011 WL 4470623 (9th Cir. September 28, 2011) [PDF]

Back in 2008, Apple sued Psystar for copyright infringement arising from Psystar’s manufacture and distribution of computers preloaded with copies of Mac OS X. Psystar lost at the trial court level, with the judge rejecting its argument that Apple engaged in anti-competitive, “copyright misuse” by requiring in its OS X software license agreement that the operating system be used only on Apple hardware. Psystar sought review of this ruling. On appeal, the Ninth Circuit affirmed.

Copyright misuse is a defense (not an independent cause of action) that one sued for infringement can raise. Courts will find that a plaintiff has engaged in copyright misuse if the enforcement of the plaintiff’s copyright will restrain the development of competing products. In this case, Psystar claimed that Apple’s enforcement of its software license restrained the development of competing hardware.

The court rejected that argument because Apple’s enforcement of its software license agreement, requiring that the software be used only on Apple hardware, did not restrict Psystar from developing its own software. The court found that:

Apple’s [software license agreement] does not restrict competitor’s [sic.] to develop their own software, nor does it preclude customers from using non-Apple components with Apple computers. Instead, Apple’s [software license agreement] merely restricts the use of Apple’s own software to its own hardware. . . . Psystar produces its own computer hardware and it is free to develop its own computer software.

This case solidifies Apple’s approach to enforcing a controlled, closed ecosystem for the distribution of software used for Macs and iDevices. Now that a federal court has found that Apple is not playing unfairly by keeping its users from loading Apple software onto non-Apple hardware, the company can likewise maintain the technological controls that ensure only approved applications are used in connection with the operating systems. Marketplaces for third-party hardware running Apple software would greatly lower the entry barrier for hackers and enthusiasts to play outside of the rules. But this decision from the Ninth Circuit keeps those rules firmly in place.

Open source withstands antitrust scrutiny

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has issued an opinion in which Judge Easterbrook declares, “[t]he GPL and open-source have nothing to fear from the antitrust laws.” The case is called Wallace v. IBM., No. 06-2454. [Download a copy of the opinion.] Internet Cases covered the lower court’s decision from last December here.

Plaintiff Wallace filed an antitrust suit against IBM, Red Hat and Novell, arguing that those companies had conspired to eliminate competition in the operating system market by making Linux available at an “unbeatable” price (free) under the General Public License (“GPL”). The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana dismissed the case, finding the plaintiff had suffered no antitrust injury. The Seventh Circuit affirmed.

“Although antitrust law serves the interests of consumers rather than producers, the Supreme Court has permitted producers to initiate predatory-pricing litigation,” Judge Easterbrook wrote in the November 9 decision. “This does not assist Wallace, however, because his legal theory is faulty substantively.”

Perhaps most significantly, Wallace had not contended that software available under the GPL would lead to mononpoly prices in the future. The court observed the anomalous thinking behind any conclusion that it would, “when the GPL keeps price low forever and precludes the reduction of output that is essential to monopoly.”

And the opinion provided a number of modern day examples to dispel any thoughts of a GPL monopoly, by observing the market domination of proprietary operating systems like Windows, OS X and Solaris even when Linux is available for free. It also obseverd, quite astutely, that Photoshop is preferred in the market to Gimp, and Lexis and Westlaw are preferred to free legal sources such as the court’s own website.

Calling the defendants “conspirators” in violation of the Sherman Act didn’t advance the plaintiff’s case either. Instead of being a restraint on trade, the court held that the GPL serves to foster creativity, by enabling the free distribution and building of new derivative works.

Wallace v. IBM, No. 06-2454 (7th Cir., November 9, 2006).

Suit over drop in search engine placement dismissed

(This case came out a couple of weeks ago and has been written about quite a bit, but here’s my take on it anyway.)

Plaintiff LLC, the operator of an online directory and search engine for information about the care of young children, filed suit against Google after a “cataclysmic fall” in the number of visitors that the Kinderstart site received. It claimed that Google wrongfully blocked search results for Kinderstart, and intentionally lowered the site’s number in Google’s PageRank system. In an unpublished and noncitable opinion, the United States District Court for the Northern District of California dismissed Kinderstart’s complaint, and granted leave to amend.

Kinderstart alleged a number of causes of action, including violation of the First Amendment right to free speech and unlawful monopolistic behavior in violation of the Sherman Act. The court held that Kinderstart failed to allege facts sufficient to entitle it to relief.

In dismissing the First Amendment claim, the court held that Google is not a state actor. Although the Ninth Circuit employs a number of tests to determine whether state action exists, Google did not meet any of those tests. Kinderstart did not show that Google performed a public function, nor did it show that Google was involved in any joint action with the government. The complaint did not sufficiently allege that Google was in any way compelled or coerced by the government, or that there was any nexus or entwinement between Google’s actions and the government’s actions. No facts in the complaint pointed to any “symbiotic relationship” – a necessary element in a special Ninth Circuit test for state action – between Google’s conduct and the financial success of any governmental entity.

The court also rejected Kinderstart’s First Amendment argument that by making the search engine “freely available to anyone with an Internet connection,” Google had created a private space dedicated to public use in which the alleged restrictions violated free speech. On this point, Kinderstart’s own allegations of Google’s vast monetization – to the tune of $3.1 billion in 2005 – contradicted assertions that the sole function of Google is to promote open and free communication.

Another of Kinderstart’s claims was that by blocking links to the Kinderstart site in its search results, Google had engaged in anticompetitive behavior that is prohibited under Section 2 of the Sherman Act (15 U.S.C. §2). To succeed on this claim, Kinderstart would have had to allege a specific intent on Google’s part to destroy competition, conduct directed toward accomplishing that purpose, a dangerous possibility of succeeding at destroying competition, and resulting antitrust injury.

The court held that Kinderstart failed to allege enough facts to support this claim. There was no sufficient allegation that Google had denied access to an essential facility or refused to deal. Kinderstart did not explain how Google’s alleged conduct demonstrated the required intent for a Sherman Act violation. Moreover, noting that there generally is “no duty to aid competitors,” the court concluded that Google’s alleged removal of a competing search engine from its results was merely legitimate competitive action., LLC v. Google, Inc., No. 06-2057, (N.D. Cal., July 17, 2006) (Not selected for official publication).

Court dismisses antitrust suit over GPL

Plaintiff failed to allege antitrust injury resulting from Free Software Foundation’s use of GPL for Linux.

Plaintiff Wallace filed an antitrust lawsuit against the Free Software Foundation (“FSF”), claiming that FSF was conspiring with the likes of IBM, Red Hat, and Novell to fix the price of the intellectual property in the Linux operating system. Specifically, Wallace alleged that making the software available for free under the General Public License (“GPL”) has an anticompetitive effect, in that developers may be unwilling to create better products, knowing that they will not be rewarded financially for their efforts.

FSF moved to dismiss the complaint, and the court granted the motion. It held that although the allegations set forth a violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act, the complaint could not survive because Wallace had not sufficiently alleged that he suffered an antitrust injury.

Wallace’s only allegations in this regard were, essentially, that he was unwilling to enter a market where he would have to compete with the free software distributed under the GPL. He had not alleged any injury to himself as a consumer, nor had he alleged injury to the software market as a whole. Because the complaint lacked this essential element of antitrust injury, the court dismissed the action.

Wallace v. Free Software Foundation, Inc., No. 05-618, 2005 WL 3239208 (S.D. Ind., November 28, 2005) (Not selected for official publication).

[Text of opinion]



Court declines expanding reach of antitrust laws to cover DSL and telephone services

The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York has granted defendant Verizon’s motion to dismiss in the case of Greco v. Verizon Commumications, Inc., holding that the effect of the antitrust laws should not be expanded to prohibit Verizon from refusing to provide DSL service to customers of competing local telephone providers.

Upset that Verizon offered its DSL service only to customers who also purchased its local phone service, Plaintiff Greco filed a class action antitrust lawsuit. Greco claimed, among other things, that this conduct of Verizon violated §2 of the Sherman Act by monopolizing local phone service. Verizon moved to dismiss, and the court granted the motion.

At issue was whether the court should extend the reach of the antitrust laws to force a “telecommunications monopolist” such as Verizon to deal with certain customers. The analysis relied heavily on a previous case involving Verizon, the 2004 Supreme Court decision of Verizon Communications, Inc. v. Law Offices of Curtis V. Trinko, LLP, (540 U.S. 398, 406 (2004) (“Trinko” ).

The Trinko case had dealt with the question of whether Verizon had violated §2 of the Sherman Act where it had allegedly discouraged customers from dealing with its rivals through various means. In that case, the court declined to apply §2, “because of the uncertain virtue of forced sharing and the difficulty of identifying and remedying anticompetitive conduct by a single firm.” The Trinko court considered four factors, which the court also considered in the present case: (1) the costs versus benefits of antitrust intervention; for example, whether judicial intervention would risk distorting investment, (2) whether the requested relief would require a court to assume a role for which it is “ill-suited,” i.e., to thrust it into the role of a “central planner,” (3) whether remediation would require “continuing supervision of a highly detailed decree,” and (4) whether there exists a “regulatory structure designed to deter and remedy anticompetitive harm.”

In declining to expand the reach of the antitrust laws in the present case, the court focused on how daunting it would be to figure the amount of damages to which the plaintiff would be entitled. For example, the court would have to consider such details as what amounts had been spent on running wires to a customer’s home (including securing rights of way, digging trenches or placing poles, and running wire underground or along poles), and how such costs should bee allocated among unbundled services. The court noted that such allocation of costs is a highly complex and hotly contested issue, and that it was thus ill-suited to redress the alleged injuries.

Greco v. Verizon Comm., Inc. (2005 WL 659200 (S.D.N.Y., March 22, 2005)

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